In this exercise, I will be using various models (e.g., linear regression, decision trees, random forest, spline regression) to predict average daily rates at a resort hotel. The data were obtained from Kaggle. The dataset was modified from its original source to include 18 of the original 32 variables.

Useful resources:

# Install packages and load libraries
library(reshape2) #For reshaping data
library(gridExtra) #For plotting multiple plots on the same display
library(knitr) #For making nice tables
library(lubridate) # For formatting dates
library(corrplot) #For correlation plot
library(PerformanceAnalytics) #For correlation plot
library(faraway) #For halfnorm function
library(leaps) #For variable selection
library(lmtest) #For checking if constant residuals have constant variance using bptest
library(rpart) #For regression trees
library(rattle) #For fancy regression tree plots
library(rpart.plot) #For fancy regression tree plots
library(RColorBrewer) #For fancy regression tree plots
library(splines) #For regression splines


# Set working directory
# setwd("") #Set working directory to where the file is

# Read data
df <- read.csv("stat425_fpdata.csv", header=TRUE)

# Data overview
dim(df) #2097 x 18
## [1] 2097   18
##          hotel is_canceled lead_time arrival_date_year arrival_date_month
## 1 Resort Hotel           0        68              2015               July
## 2 Resort Hotel           0        14              2015               July
## 3 Resort Hotel           0        10              2015               July
## 4 Resort Hotel           0         9              2015               July
## 5 Resort Hotel           0        51              2015               July
## 6 Resort Hotel           0        51              2015               July
##   arrival_date_week_number arrival_date_day_of_month
## 1                       27                         1
## 2                       27                         2
## 3                       27                         3
## 4                       27                         3
## 5                       28                         6
## 6                       28                         6
##   stays_in_weekend_nights stays_in_week_nights adults children babies meal
## 1                       0                    4      2        0      0   BB
## 2                       0                    2      2        0      0   BB
## 3                       0                    2      2        2      0   BB
## 4                       0                    1      2        0      0   BB
## 5                       1                    3      2        0      0   BB
## 6                       1                    3      3        0      0   BB
##   market_segment reserved_room_type customer_type    adr
## 1      Online TA                  D     Transient  97.00
## 2      Online TA                  A     Transient  98.00
## 3      Online TA                  G     Transient 153.00
## 4      Online TA                  C     Transient  94.71
## 5      Online TA                  G     Transient 117.81
## 6      Online TA                  G     Transient 117.81
##   total_of_special_requests
## 1                         3
## 2                         1
## 3                         0
## 4                         0
## 5                         2
## 6                         2

There are 18 variables:

  1. (CATEGORICAL) hotel - Hotel - H1 = Resort Hotel or H2 = City Hotel
  2. (CATEGORICAL) is_canceled - Value indicating if the booking was canceled (1) or not (0)
  3. (NUMERIC) lead_time - Number of days that elapsed between the entering date of the booking into the PMS and the arrival date
  4. (CATEGORICAL) arrival_date_year - Year of arrival date
  5. (CATEGORICAL) arrival_date_month - Month of arrival date
  6. (CATEGORICAL OR NUMERIC) arrival_date_week_number - Week number of year for arrival date
  7. (CATEGORICAL OR NUMERIC) arrival_date_day_of_month - Day of arrival date
  8. (NUMERIC) stays_in_weekend_nights - Number of weekend nights (Saturday or Sunday) the guest stayed or booked to stay at the hotel
  9. (NUMERIC) stays_in_week_nights - Number of week nights (Monday to Friday) the guest stayed or booked to stay at the hotel
  10. (NUMERIC) adults - Number of adults
  11. (NUMERIC) children - Number of children
  12. (NUMERIC) babies - Number of babies
  13. (CATEGORICAL) meal - Type of meal booked. Categories are presented in standard hospitality meal packages: Undefined/SC – no meal package; BB – Bed & Breakfast; HB – Half board (breakfast and one other meal – usually dinner); FB – Full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  14. (CATEGORICAL) market_segment - Market segment designation. In categories, the term “TA” means “Travel Agents” and “TO” means “Tour Operators”
  15. (CATEGORICAL) reserved_room_type - Code of room type reserved. Code is presented instead of designation for anonymity reasons.
  16. (CATEGORICAL) customer_type - Contract - when the booking has an allotment or other type of contract associated to it; Group – when the booking is associated to a group; Transient – when the booking is not part of a group or contract, and is not associated to other transient booking; Transient-party – when the booking is transient, but is associated to at least other transient booking
  17. (NUMERIC) adr - Average Daily Rate as defined by dividing the sum of all lodging transactions by the total number of staying nights
  18. (NUMERIC) total_of_special_requests - Number of special requests made by the customer (e.g. twin bed or high floor)


# Convert some of the numeric variables into factors
df$is_canceled <- as.factor(df$is_canceled)
df$arrival_date_year <- as.factor(df$arrival_date_year)

# Rearrange order of the levels of the arrival_date_month factor so they are  in chronological order when plotting them

df$arrival_date_month <- factor(df$arrival_date_month, levels=c("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"))

# Select Resort data
df_resort <- subset(df, hotel=="Resort Hotel", select=is_canceled:total_of_special_requests)
dim(df_resort) #479 x 17
## [1] 479  17
# Convert the arrival_date_year, arrival_date_month and arrival_date_day_of_month variables into one column to be used as a date
df_resort$arrival_date <- with(df_resort, paste(arrival_date_year, arrival_date_month, arrival_date_day_of_month, sep="-"))
df_resort$arrival_date_formatted <- parse_date_time(df_resort$arrival_date, orders = "ymd")
head(df_resort[ , c("arrival_date_year", "arrival_date_month", "arrival_date_day_of_month", "arrival_date", "arrival_date_formatted")]) #Check
##   arrival_date_year arrival_date_month arrival_date_day_of_month
## 1              2015               July                         1
## 2              2015               July                         2
## 3              2015               July                         3
## 4              2015               July                         3
## 5              2015               July                         6
## 6              2015               July                         6
##   arrival_date arrival_date_formatted
## 1  2015-July-1             2015-07-01
## 2  2015-July-2             2015-07-02
## 3  2015-July-3             2015-07-03
## 4  2015-July-3             2015-07-03
## 5  2015-July-6             2015-07-06
## 6  2015-July-6             2015-07-06


# Descriptive stats
##  is_canceled   lead_time      arrival_date_year arrival_date_month
##  0:407       Min.   :  0.00   2015: 64          July     : 98     
##  1: 72       1st Qu.:  7.00   2016:215          August   : 91     
##              Median : 35.00   2017:200          June     : 58     
##              Mean   : 60.02                     May      : 47     
##              3rd Qu.: 92.50                     September: 35     
##              Max.   :542.00                     April    : 33     
##                                                 (Other)  :117     
##  arrival_date_week_number arrival_date_day_of_month
##  Min.   : 1.00            Min.   : 1.00            
##  1st Qu.:22.00            1st Qu.: 8.00            
##  Median :28.00            Median :16.00            
##  Mean   :28.04            Mean   :15.94            
##  3rd Qu.:35.00            3rd Qu.:24.00            
##  Max.   :53.00            Max.   :31.00            
##  stays_in_weekend_nights stays_in_week_nights     adults     
##  Min.   :0.0000          Min.   : 0.000       Min.   :1.000  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000          1st Qu.: 1.000       1st Qu.:2.000  
##  Median :1.0000          Median : 2.000       Median :2.000  
##  Mean   :0.7641          Mean   : 1.952       Mean   :1.967  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000          3rd Qu.: 3.000       3rd Qu.:2.000  
##  Max.   :4.0000          Max.   :10.000       Max.   :4.000  
##     children          babies                meal           market_segment
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.000000   BB       :453   Aviation     :  0   
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.000000   HB       : 24   Complementary:  0   
##  Median :0.0000   Median :0.000000   SC       :  1   Corporate    :  3   
##  Mean   :0.2651   Mean   :0.008351   Undefined:  1   Direct       :116   
##  3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:0.000000                   Groups       :  4   
##  Max.   :3.0000   Max.   :1.000000                   Offline TA/TO: 34   
##                                                      Online TA    :322   
##  reserved_room_type         customer_type      adr        
##  A      :168        Contract       :  2   Min.   :  0.00  
##  E      : 95        Group          :  4   1st Qu.: 79.16  
##  D      : 77        Transient      :438   Median :123.00  
##  G      : 60        Transient-Party: 35   Mean   :133.87  
##  F      : 43                              3rd Qu.:184.66  
##  C      : 22                              Max.   :328.33  
##  (Other): 14                                              
##  total_of_special_requests arrival_date      
##  Min.   :0.0000            Length:479        
##  1st Qu.:0.0000            Class :character  
##  Median :1.0000            Mode  :character  
##  Mean   :0.7557                              
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000                              
##  Max.   :4.0000                              
##  arrival_date_formatted       
##  Min.   :2015-07-01 00:00:00  
##  1st Qu.:2016-06-04 00:00:00  
##  Median :2016-10-05 00:00:00  
##  Mean   :2016-10-20 15:07:53  
##  3rd Qu.:2017-05-28 00:00:00  
##  Max.   :2017-08-31 00:00:00  

From these summary statistics, we can see that:

We will be prediciting adr (average daily rate) so let’s take a look at the distribution of this variable

ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=adr)) + 
  geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), binwidth=5, colour="black", fill="lightgray") + 
  geom_density(alpha=.1, fill="#FF6666") + 
  theme_light() + 
  ggtitle("Histogram of average daily rate (adr)") + 
  xlab("average daily rate (adr)")

Adr is somewhat normally distributed so there’s a good range of values to predict. Based on the descriptive summary above, it is of note that many of the variables don’t have much variability (e.g., adults, children, babies, meal, market_segment, customer_type, total_of_special requests). The variables that have more variability and are likely to affect the average daily rate are: is_canceled, lead_time, arrival_date_month, arrival_date_week_number, arrival_date_day_of_month, reserved_room_type.

Next, let’s explore explore associations among the different variables and adr.

# Plot correlations among numeric variables
num_df_resort <- select_if(df_resort, is.numeric) #Pick numeric variables
# dim(num_df_resort) #10 numeric variables

# Plot correlations and histograms using PerformanceAnalytics library
chart.Correlation(num_df_resort, histogram=TRUE, pch=19)

Based on the correlation plots between adr and all the other numeric variables, we can see that there is a strong nonlinear trend between adr and arrival_date_week_number where adr is much higher at medium values of arrival_date_week_number (June -August). There is a significant positive correlation between adr and adults (r=0.23), children (r=0.40), and total_of_special_requests (r=0.15). There is no significant correlation between adr and lead_time, arrival_date_day_of_month, stays_in_weekend_nights, stays_in_week_nights, and babies.

Now let’s take a closer look at some the variables that showed an association with adr

# Number of adults, number of children, total of special requests
ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=adults, y=adr)) + geom_point() + theme_light()

ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=children, y=adr)) + geom_point() + theme_light()

ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=total_of_special_requests, y=adr)) + geom_point() + theme_light()

# Explore arrival date week number trends
df_resort %>% group_by(arrival_date_week_number) %>% summarise(mean_adr=mean(adr, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% arrange(desc(mean_adr))
## # A tibble: 53 x 2
##    arrival_date_week_number mean_adr
##                       <int>    <dbl>
##  1                       32     221.
##  2                       34     217.
##  3                       33     216.
##  4                       35     194.
##  5                       31     191.
##  6                       30     191.
##  7                       29     169.
##  8                       28     164.
##  9                       24     163.
## 10                       26     163.
## # … with 43 more rows
week <- ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=arrival_date_week_number, y=adr)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth() + 
  theme_light() + 
  ggtitle("Average daily rate vs. Arrival date week number") + 
  xlab("Arrival date week number") + 
  ylab("Average daily rate (adr)")

# Explore monthly trends
df_resort %>% group_by(arrival_date_month) %>% summarise(mean_adr=mean(adr, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% arrange(desc(mean_adr))
## # A tibble: 12 x 2
##    arrival_date_month mean_adr
##    <fct>                 <dbl>
##  1 August                204. 
##  2 July                  171. 
##  3 June                  153. 
##  4 September             125. 
##  5 May                   103. 
##  6 April                  87.7
##  7 October                78.3
##  8 December               72.9
##  9 March                  71.6
## 10 February               63.2
## 11 November               57.8
## 12 January                44.1
month <- ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=arrival_date_month, y=adr)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  theme_light() + 
  ggtitle("Average daily rate vs. Arrival month") + 
  xlab("Arrival month") + 
  ylab("Average daily rate (adr)")

# Explore yearly trends
df_resort %>% group_by(arrival_date_year) %>% summarise(mean_adr=mean(adr, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% arrange(desc(mean_adr))
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   arrival_date_year mean_adr
##   <fct>                <dbl>
## 1 2017                  147.
## 2 2016                  127.
## 3 2015                  114.
year <- ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=arrival_date_year, y=adr)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  theme_light() + 
  ggtitle("Average daily rate vs. Arrival date year") + 
  xlab("Arrival date year") + 
  ylab("Average daily rate (adr)")

# Plot week, monthly, and yearly trends on the same display
grid.arrange(week, month, year, nrow=3, ncol=1)
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'

Noteworthy from the plots above are that there is a strong nonlinear trend between week number and adr; adr increases from January til August, and then decreases from August to December. Across the years, there is an increase in adr 2015 to 2017

Other date trend visualizations:

# Explore full arrival date trends
ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=arrival_date_formatted, y=adr)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  theme_light() + 
  ggtitle("Average daily rate vs. Arrival date") + 
  xlab("Arrival date") + 
  ylab("Average daily rate (adr)")

# Plot arrival_date_day_of_month for each month separately
df_resort_adr_by_month_day <- df_resort %>% group_by(arrival_date_month, arrival_date_day_of_month) %>% summarise(mean_adr = mean(adr)) %>% arrange(arrival_date_month, arrival_date_day_of_month)

ggplot(data = df_resort_adr_by_month_day, aes(x=arrival_date_day_of_month, y=mean_adr, colour=arrival_date_month)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method='lm', se=FALSE) + 
  facet_wrap( ~ arrival_date_month) + 
  ggtitle("Mean average daily rate (adr) per day of month by month") + 
  xlab("Day of month") + ylab("Mean average daily rate (adr)") + 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") + 
  theme_light() + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") + 
  theme(strip.background = element_rect(color="black", size=1)) + #Facet label rectangle contour
  theme(strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black")) #Facet label font colour

Within each month, prices remain relatively the same across days except for June-July and December when later days are more expensive than earlier days. For September-November, the opposite is true: later days are cheaper than earlier days in the month

Now let’s explore some of the categorical variables

# Explore categorical variables 
cat_df_resort <- select_if(df_resort, negate(is.numeric)) #Pick non-numeric variables
# dim(cat_df_resort) #9 variables are not numeric

# Explore cancelled reservations
df_resort %>% group_by(is_canceled) %>% summarise(mean=mean(adr, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% arrange(desc(mean))
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   is_canceled  mean
##   <fct>       <dbl>
## 1 1            164.
## 2 0            129.
ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=is_canceled, y=adr, colour=is_canceled)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  geom_jitter(position=position_jitter(0.2)) + 
  theme_light() + 
  ggtitle("Average daily rate vs. Cancellation status") + 
  xlab("Cancellation status") + 
  ylab("Average daily rate (adr)") + 
  scale_x_discrete(labels=c("Not cancelled","Cancelled")) + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") 

Cancelled reservations seem to have higher adr than non-cancelled reservations

# Explore market segment
df_resort %>% group_by(market_segment) %>% summarise(mean=mean(adr, na.rm=TRUE), n=n()) %>% arrange(desc(mean))
## # A tibble: 5 x 3
##   market_segment  mean     n
##   <fct>          <dbl> <int>
## 1 Direct         148.    116
## 2 Online TA      135.    322
## 3 Offline TA/TO   88.0    34
## 4 Corporate       44       3
## 5 Groups          40.2     4
ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=market_segment, y=adr, colour=market_segment)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  geom_jitter(position=position_jitter(0.2)) + 
  theme_light() + 
  ggtitle("Average daily rate vs. Market segment") + 
  xlab("Market segment") + 
  ylab("Average daily rate (adr)") +
  theme(legend.position = "none") 

Direct reservations seem to have higher adr but also have a large range (similar to Online TA). Very few reservations fall under the other market segments (Offline TA/TO, Corporate, Groups)

# Explore meal
df_resort %>% group_by(meal) %>% summarise(mean=mean(adr, na.rm=TRUE), n=n()) %>% arrange(desc(mean))
## # A tibble: 4 x 3
##   meal       mean     n
##   <fct>     <dbl> <int>
## 1 Undefined 311       1
## 2 HB        165.     24
## 3 BB        132.    453
## 4 SC         22.4     1
ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=meal, y=adr, colour=meal)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  geom_jitter(position=position_jitter(0.2)) + 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "RdBu") + 
  theme_light() + 
  ggtitle("Average daily rate vs. Type of Meal") + 
  xlab("Meal") + 
  ylab("Average daily rate (adr)") + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") 

Most reservations are BB, followed by HB (HB seems to be slightly higher). These two are pretty much the only meal types in the data

# Explore reserved_room_type
df_resort %>% group_by(reserved_room_type) %>% summarise(mean=mean(adr, na.rm=TRUE), n=n()) %>% arrange(desc(mean))
## # A tibble: 7 x 3
##   reserved_room_type  mean     n
##   <fct>              <dbl> <int>
## 1 H                   226.    14
## 2 G                   181.    60
## 3 C                   176.    22
## 4 F                   147.    43
## 5 E                   136.    95
## 6 D                   131.    77
## 7 A                   100.   168
ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=reserved_room_type, y=adr, colour=reserved_room_type)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  geom_jitter(position=position_jitter(0.2)) + 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") + 
  theme_light() + 
  ggtitle("Average daily rate vs. Room Type") + 
  xlab("Reserved Room Type") + 
  ylab("Average daily rate (adr)") + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") 

Most reservations are room type A (also seem to have the lowest adr)

# Explore customer_type
df_resort %>% group_by(customer_type) %>% summarise(mean=mean(adr, na.rm=TRUE), n=n()) %>% arrange(desc(mean))
## # A tibble: 4 x 3
##   customer_type    mean     n
##   <fct>           <dbl> <int>
## 1 Transient       136.    438
## 2 Transient-Party 120.     35
## 3 Group            96.2     4
## 4 Contract         66.2     2
ggplot(df_resort, aes(x=customer_type, y=adr, colour=customer_type)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  geom_jitter(position=position_jitter(0.2)) + 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") + 
  theme_light() + 
  ggtitle("Average daily rate vs. Customer Type") + 
  xlab("Customer Type") + 
  ylab("Average daily rate (adr)") + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") 

Most reservations are Transient (have the largest adr but also the largest range). Very few reservations are of a different customer type

So far, we’ve seen that there is a strong nonlinear trend between adr and arrival_date_week_number / arrival_date_month. There are some positive correlations between adr and adults, children, and total_of_special_requests. Meal, market_segment, and customer_type don’t have much variability; reserved_room_type does have variability.

Next, let’s check for interactions between arrival_date_month and the other categorical variables. This would allow us to explore whether, for example, adr is higher for cancelled (vs. not cancelled) reservations in July but not in November

Categorical variables: is_canceled, market_segment, meal, reserved_room_type, customer_type


interaction.plot(df_resort$arrival_date_month, df_resort$is_canceled, df_resort$adr, xlab="Arrival date month", ylab="Mean of adr", legend=TRUE, trace.label="Is cancelled")

interaction.plot(df_resort$arrival_date_month, df_resort$market_segment, df_resort$adr, xlab="Market segment", ylab="Mean of adr", legend=TRUE, trace.label="Market Segment")

interaction.plot(df_resort$arrival_date_month, df_resort$meal, df_resort$adr, xlab="Meal", ylab="Mean of adr", legend=TRUE, trace.label="Meal")

interaction.plot(df_resort$arrival_date_month, df_resort$reserved_room_type, df_resort$adr, xlab="Reserved Room Type", ylab="Mean of adr", legend=TRUE, trace.label="Room Type")

interaction.plot(df_resort$arrival_date_month, df_resort$customer_type, df_resort$adr, xlab="Customer Type", ylab="Mean of adr", legend=TRUE, trace.label="Customer Type")

There are no obvious interactions between categorical variables from the visual displays. The lines do cross for is_canceled, reserved_room_type, and customer_type but overall, no large interactions are noteworthy from the plots


Now, let’s run some predictive models. I will be looking at different error metrics to evaluate models. The error is basically the difference between the predicted and actual/observed value. I will be focusing on:

First, let’s subset the dataset and pick the values used for training and testing

# Choose the variables that will be used for modeling (all variables except the newly created formatted arrival dates)

df_resort_short <- subset(df_resort, select=c(is_canceled, lead_time, arrival_date_year, arrival_date_month, arrival_date_week_number, arrival_date_day_of_month, stays_in_weekend_nights, stays_in_week_nights, adults, children, babies, meal, market_segment, reserved_room_type, customer_type, total_of_special_requests, adr))
dim(df_resort_short) # 479 x 17
## [1] 479  17
# Pick rows to be used for training
train <- sample(1:nrow(df_resort_short), round(nrow(df_resort_short)*0.75, 0)) #Pick rows to be used for training (75% of the data; 359 rows)
length(train) #359
## [1] 359
# Values used for testing
y <- df_resort_short[-train, "adr"] # adr observed values used for evaluating model performance in test dataset
# Best initial guess is the average adr in the training dataset
baseline.pred <- mean(df_resort_short$adr[train])

# Make predictions on the test dataset
MSE.baseline <- mean((baseline.pred - df_resort_short$adr[-train])^2) #4960.995
RMSE.baseline <- sqrt(mean((baseline.pred - df_resort_short$adr[-train])^2)) #70.43433
MAE.baseline <- mean(abs(baseline.pred - df_resort_short$adr[-train])) #59.02402
# Train model
linear.reg <- lm(adr ~ ., data=df_resort_short, subset=train)
## Call:
## lm(formula = adr ~ ., data = df_resort_short, subset = train)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -186.208  -14.702    0.525   15.617   73.580 
## Coefficients:
##                                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)                  -42.030268  33.310720  -1.262 0.207956    
## is_canceled1                  19.186267   4.839235   3.965 9.07e-05 ***
## lead_time                     -0.158799   0.029632  -5.359 1.61e-07 ***
## arrival_date_year2016         31.635535   5.350113   5.913 8.64e-09 ***
## arrival_date_year2017         35.751026   6.983525   5.119 5.31e-07 ***
## arrival_date_monthFebruary    33.747615  26.886061   1.255 0.210322    
## arrival_date_monthMarch       95.056992  50.150022   1.895 0.058936 .  
## arrival_date_monthApril      150.697718  73.345620   2.055 0.040730 *  
## arrival_date_monthMay        206.479100  97.646370   2.115 0.035243 *  
## arrival_date_monthJune       291.025199 122.121783   2.383 0.017754 *  
## arrival_date_monthJuly       367.566440 146.389142   2.511 0.012537 *  
## arrival_date_monthAugust     443.056559 171.814416   2.579 0.010365 *  
## arrival_date_monthSeptember  431.043087 195.909820   2.200 0.028508 *  
## arrival_date_monthOctober    419.833987 220.500920   1.904 0.057810 .  
## arrival_date_monthNovember   444.638700 244.670691   1.817 0.070110 .  
## arrival_date_monthDecember   504.146893 269.846940   1.868 0.062641 .  
## arrival_date_week_number      -9.834252   5.652543  -1.740 0.082860 .  
## arrival_date_day_of_month      1.825549   0.821819   2.221 0.027029 *  
## stays_in_weekend_nights        0.634854   2.116325   0.300 0.764388    
## stays_in_week_nights           4.459792   1.243124   3.588 0.000386 ***
## adults                        15.948700   4.024958   3.962 9.16e-05 ***
## children                      13.155300   3.521957   3.735 0.000222 ***
## babies                       -10.064728  15.067148  -0.668 0.504622    
## mealHB                        23.177131   7.242627   3.200 0.001512 ** 
## mealSC                       -32.063292  36.756910  -0.872 0.383697    
## mealUndefined                 73.013162  29.871379   2.444 0.015056 *  
## market_segmentDirect          15.101435  20.976480   0.720 0.472100    
## market_segmentGroups         -15.981393  28.436442  -0.562 0.574508    
## market_segmentOffline TA/TO  -18.935452  20.574600  -0.920 0.358095    
## market_segmentOnline TA        8.466227  20.657738   0.410 0.682203    
## reserved_room_typeC           28.946624   9.638141   3.003 0.002882 ** 
## reserved_room_typeD           16.402822   4.614178   3.555 0.000435 ***
## reserved_room_typeE           31.131108   4.637291   6.713 8.72e-11 ***
## reserved_room_typeF           42.483500   6.012299   7.066 1.01e-11 ***
## reserved_room_typeG           50.154157   6.471137   7.750 1.24e-13 ***
## reserved_room_typeH           59.622202  11.140273   5.352 1.67e-07 ***
## customer_typeGroup           -20.688186  27.787994  -0.745 0.457122    
## customer_typeTransient        -0.008309  22.580566   0.000 0.999707    
## customer_typeTransient-Party  16.750639  23.236736   0.721 0.471518    
## total_of_special_requests      2.122942   2.302050   0.922 0.357123    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 28.23 on 319 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8429, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8237 
## F-statistic: 43.89 on 39 and 319 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
# R squared 0.8429
# Adjusted R squared 0.8237

# Make predictions on the test dataset
yhat.linear.reg <- predict(linear.reg, newdata=df_resort_short[-train, ])

MSE.linear.reg <- mean((yhat.linear.reg - y)^2) #761.2256
RMSE.linear.reg <- sqrt(mean((yhat.linear.reg - y)^2)) #27.59032
MAE.linear.reg <- mean(abs(yhat.linear.reg - y)) #21.13004
AIC.linear.reg <- AIC(linear.reg) #3456.801
BIC.linear.reg <- BIC(linear.reg) #3616.017


## Warning: not plotting observations with leverage one:
##   134, 154

## Warning: not plotting observations with leverage one:
##   134, 154

bptest(linear.reg) #Constant variance (from lmtest library)
##  studentized Breusch-Pagan test
## data:  linear.reg
## BP = 32.989, df = 39, p-value = 0.7397
shapiro.test(residuals(linear.reg)) #p= 3.793e-11, residuals not normal
##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  residuals(linear.reg)
## W = 0.93747, p-value = 3.793e-11
hist(linear.reg$res) #the residuals seem to follow a normal distribution except for some extreme values on the left

The histogram of residuals suggests residuals do not follow a normal distribution. This is supported by the Shapiro-Wilk normality test. The plot of fitted vs. residuals suggests constant variance of residuals (homoskedasticity) as there is no patterned shape in the plot of residuals vs. fitted values. This conclusion is supported by the Breusch-Pagan test


# Check for large leverage points
n=359; #Number of observations
p=40; #Number of predictors, including the intercept

halfnorm(lev, nlab=10, labs=row.names(df_resort_short), ylab="Leverages") #134 and 154 have high leverage

# Check for outliers
t=qt(.05/(2*n), n-p-1) # Bonferroni correction. # -3.856416
jack[which(abs(jack) > abs(t))] # 445 and 173 outliers
##       445       173 
## -7.372723 -3.991591
# Check for influential points
cook = cooks.distance(linear.reg)
halfnorm(cook, nlab=2, labs=row.names(df_resort_short[train,]), ylab="Cook's distances")

max(cook, na.rm=TRUE) # No influential points (CD) above 1. Maybe 173 and 445
## [1] 0.08191411

Data points 134, 154, 173, 445 might have high leverage and influence. Let’s take a closer look at those points

df_resort_short[c(134,154,173,145), ]
##     is_canceled lead_time arrival_date_year arrival_date_month
## 134           0         5              2015           November
## 154           0         2              2016              April
## 173           0        77              2016                May
## 145           0         0              2016            January
##     arrival_date_week_number arrival_date_day_of_month
## 134                       48                        22
## 154                       15                         4
## 173                       20                        10
## 145                        2                         7
##     stays_in_weekend_nights stays_in_week_nights adults children babies
## 134                       2                    0      1        0      0
## 154                       1                    1      2        0      0
## 173                       0                    5      2        0      0
## 145                       2                    4      2        0      0
##     meal market_segment reserved_room_type customer_type
## 134   BB      Online TA                  A     Transient
## 154   BB      Online TA                  E     Transient
## 173   HB      Online TA                  F     Transient
## 145   BB  Offline TA/TO                  A     Transient
##     total_of_special_requests adr
## 134                         1  40
## 154                         1  87
## 173                         1  34
## 145                         0  38

There’s nothing in particular that stands out so for now, I will leave them in the model

We can see that there are many variables that are not significant in the linear regression model. Let’s refine our model by doing variable seelction using a stepwise algorithm (both forward and backward selection)

# Refine regression model using stepwise algorithm (both forward and backward)
linear.reg.step <- step(linear.reg, direction="both") 
## Call:
## lm(formula = adr ~ is_canceled + lead_time + arrival_date_year + 
##     arrival_date_month + arrival_date_week_number + arrival_date_day_of_month + 
##     stays_in_week_nights + adults + children + meal + market_segment + 
##     reserved_room_type + customer_type, data = df_resort_short, 
##     subset = train)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -187.954  -14.655    1.053   15.435   75.107 
## Coefficients:
##                               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)                  -41.97580   32.77708  -1.281 0.201240    
## is_canceled1                  18.52301    4.70808   3.934 0.000102 ***
## lead_time                     -0.15294    0.02784  -5.493 8.05e-08 ***
## arrival_date_year2016         31.40158    5.30075   5.924 8.07e-09 ***
## arrival_date_year2017         36.21700    6.94694   5.213 3.32e-07 ***
## arrival_date_monthFebruary    33.68510   26.29443   1.281 0.201090    
## arrival_date_monthMarch       93.57648   49.12445   1.905 0.057686 .  
## arrival_date_monthApril      147.93339   71.55849   2.067 0.039504 *  
## arrival_date_monthMay        203.07831   95.42697   2.128 0.034088 *  
## arrival_date_monthJune       286.89931  119.24790   2.406 0.016696 *  
## arrival_date_monthJuly       361.98532  142.92825   2.533 0.011795 *  
## arrival_date_monthAugust     436.63748  167.77415   2.603 0.009682 ** 
## arrival_date_monthSeptember  422.24042  191.09717   2.210 0.027839 *  
## arrival_date_monthOctober    410.87091  215.25747   1.909 0.057184 .  
## arrival_date_monthNovember   435.20103  238.88231   1.822 0.069410 .  
## arrival_date_monthDecember   493.82446  263.59454   1.873 0.061915 .  
## arrival_date_week_number      -9.59717    5.52299  -1.738 0.083224 .  
## arrival_date_day_of_month      1.79063    0.80300   2.230 0.026441 *  
## stays_in_week_nights           4.61083    1.21797   3.786 0.000183 ***
## adults                        16.43287    3.97010   4.139 4.46e-05 ***
## children                      13.06775    3.49366   3.740 0.000217 ***
## mealHB                        22.86248    7.14186   3.201 0.001505 ** 
## mealSC                       -31.50296   36.49033  -0.863 0.388602    
## mealUndefined                 76.36955   29.55187   2.584 0.010199 *  
## market_segmentDirect          16.17735   20.61177   0.785 0.433113    
## market_segmentGroups         -17.62962   28.09345  -0.628 0.530753    
## market_segmentOffline TA/TO  -18.72581   20.30431  -0.922 0.357085    
## market_segmentOnline TA       10.06033   20.19339   0.498 0.618684    
## reserved_room_typeC           29.71170    9.53806   3.115 0.002004 ** 
## reserved_room_typeD           16.45196    4.59243   3.582 0.000393 ***
## reserved_room_typeE           30.77934    4.56978   6.735 7.53e-11 ***
## reserved_room_typeF           42.13408    5.98043   7.045 1.13e-11 ***
## reserved_room_typeG           50.01913    6.42379   7.787 9.51e-14 ***
## reserved_room_typeH           59.40273   11.09936   5.352 1.66e-07 ***
## customer_typeGroup           -23.04663   27.52687  -0.837 0.403078    
## customer_typeTransient        -1.61747   22.29687  -0.073 0.942215    
## customer_typeTransient-Party  14.94656   22.85159   0.654 0.513533    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 28.15 on 322 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8423, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8247 
## F-statistic: 47.78 on 36 and 322 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
# R squared: 0.8423
# Adjusted R squared: 0.8247

The final model from the stepwise algorithm has 13 variables (is_canceled + lead_time + arrival_date_year + arrival_date_month + arrival_date_week_number + arrival_date_day_of_month + stays_in_week_nights + adults + children + meal + market_segment + reserved_room_type + customer_type)

Let’s see how this model compares to the previous linear regression model

anova(linear.reg, linear.reg.step) #p=0.7437
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Model 1: adr ~ is_canceled + lead_time + arrival_date_year + arrival_date_month + 
##     arrival_date_week_number + arrival_date_day_of_month + stays_in_weekend_nights + 
##     stays_in_week_nights + adults + children + babies + meal + 
##     market_segment + reserved_room_type + customer_type + total_of_special_requests
## Model 2: adr ~ is_canceled + lead_time + arrival_date_year + arrival_date_month + 
##     arrival_date_week_number + arrival_date_day_of_month + stays_in_week_nights + 
##     adults + children + meal + market_segment + reserved_room_type + 
##     customer_type
##   Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
## 1    319 254233                           
## 2    322 255221 -3   -987.68 0.4131 0.7437

An ANOVA comparison between the original linear regression model and that refined using the stepwise algorithm fit the same, suggesting that we should choose the more parsimonious model (the one suggested by the stepwise algorithm since it has less predictors)

# Make predictions on the test dataset 
yhat.linear.reg.step <- predict(linear.reg.step, newdata=df_resort_short[-train, ])

MSE.linear.reg.step <- mean((yhat.linear.reg.step - y)^2) #789.4876
RMSE.linear.reg.step <- sqrt(mean((yhat.linear.reg.step - y)^2)) #28.09782
MAE.linear.reg.step <- mean(abs(yhat.linear.reg.step - y))#21.52217
AIC.linear.reg.step <- AIC(linear.reg.step) #3452.1931
BIC.linear.reg.step <- BIC(linear.reg.step) #3599.76

Next, given the nonlinear trends seen in the plots, run models that do not assume linear dependency between the otucome and predictors, such as decision trees and random forest


# Train model using default regression tree from rpart
tree <- rpart(adr ~ ., df_resort_short, subset=train)

# Find optimal tree (complexity parameter) using cross validation

# Train model
tree2 <- rpart(adr ~ ., df_resort_short, subset=train, cp=0.001)

# Print cp (complexity parameter) table to find optimal cp
## Regression tree:
## rpart(formula = adr ~ ., data = df_resort_short, subset = train, 
##     cp = 0.001)
## Variables actually used in tree construction:
##  [1] adults                    arrival_date_day_of_month
##  [3] arrival_date_month        arrival_date_week_number 
##  [5] arrival_date_year         children                 
##  [7] lead_time                 market_segment           
##  [9] reserved_room_type        stays_in_week_nights     
## Root node error: 1618446/359 = 4508.2
## n= 359 
##           CP nsplit rel error  xerror     xstd
## 1  0.4526587      0   1.00000 1.00641 0.068151
## 2  0.0761419      1   0.54734 0.55240 0.043762
## 3  0.0569565      2   0.47120 0.53387 0.038243
## 4  0.0367141      3   0.41424 0.49834 0.037393
## 5  0.0261614      4   0.37753 0.49019 0.036268
## 6  0.0204292      5   0.35137 0.48779 0.041550
## 7  0.0203406      6   0.33094 0.48144 0.041236
## 8  0.0183512      7   0.31060 0.46334 0.041205
## 9  0.0149422      8   0.29225 0.44677 0.040501
## 10 0.0116729     10   0.26236 0.42205 0.041371
## 11 0.0093930     11   0.25069 0.41305 0.039387
## 12 0.0085059     12   0.24130 0.40795 0.038879
## 13 0.0078785     13   0.23279 0.41108 0.038860
## 14 0.0074394     14   0.22491 0.40972 0.038734
## 15 0.0074234     15   0.21747 0.41012 0.038735
## 16 0.0064647     16   0.21005 0.40912 0.038709
## 17 0.0040318     17   0.20358 0.39933 0.038439
## 18 0.0034912     18   0.19955 0.39211 0.037636
## 19 0.0033534     19   0.19606 0.39159 0.037602
## 20 0.0024504     20   0.19271 0.38777 0.037246
## 21 0.0023060     21   0.19026 0.39011 0.037664
## 22 0.0015002     22   0.18795 0.38396 0.035987
## 23 0.0012808     23   0.18645 0.38467 0.035893
## 24 0.0011723     25   0.18389 0.38488 0.035884
## 25 0.0010968     26   0.18272 0.38652 0.035949
## 26 0.0010000     27   0.18162 0.38577 0.035928
# Find out tree with lowest xerror (cross validation error) and plot the line that's 1SD above its xerror (red line)
myCPtable <- tree2$cptable
id.min <- which.min(myCPtable[,'xerror']) #22, 22 splits
my1se.err <- myCPtable[id.min,'xerror'] + myCPtable[id.min, 'xstd'] # 0.4199426
abline(h=my1se.err, col="red") 

# Pick the smallest tree below the red line, find its cp, and prune the tree with that cp value (optimal tree)
id.1se <- min(which(myCPtable[,'xerror'] < my1se.err)) #ID for tree with 11 splits
CP.1se <- myCPtable[id.1se, 'CP'] #0.009393006
tree.2.pruned <- prune.rpart(tree2, CP.1se)

# Fancy plot
fancyRpartPlot(tree.2.pruned, caption = NULL) #11 splits

# Make predictions on the test dataset
yhat.tree.2.pruned <- predict(tree.2.pruned, newdata=df_resort_short[-train, ])

MSE.tree.2.pruned <- mean((yhat.tree.2.pruned - y)^2) #1316.809
RMSE.tree.2.pruned <- sqrt(mean((yhat.tree.2.pruned - y)^2)) # 36.28787
MAE.tree.2.pruned <- mean(abs(yhat.tree.2.pruned - y))  #27.56134

Decision trees only grow one tree; with random forests we can grow multiple trees and average their responses to obtain a prediction. By using the average prediction of multiple trees, the model reduces bias from having one tree and it is less likely to overfit. To ensure each tree is different from each other, there is some randomness introduced when building the trees - for example, by choosing a bootstramped sample with replacement and randomly sampling different predictors for each tree


First, we need to identify the optimal mtry (number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split) so let’s run multiple random forests with different values of mtry and compare their MSEs to pick the model with the lowest MSE

# Find the best mtry parameter value for the model
n.predictors <- 16
mtry.MSE <- c()

for (i in 1:n.predictors) {
  rf.mtry <- randomForest(adr ~ ., data = df_resort_short, subset=train, mtry=i, importance=TRUE, ntree=500)
  yhat.rf.mtry <- predict(rf.mtry, newdata=df_resort_short[-train,])
  mtry.MSE[i] <- mean((yhat.rf.mtry - y)^2) #MSE


## [1] 739.7892
which.min(mtry.MSE) # mtry of 7
## [1] 7
# Train random forest model with mtry=7, ntree=500
rf <- randomForest(adr ~ ., data = df_resort_short, subset=train, mtry=7, importance=TRUE, ntree=500)
## Call:
##  randomForest(formula = adr ~ ., data = df_resort_short, mtry = 7,      importance = TRUE, ntree = 500, subset = train) 
##                Type of random forest: regression
##                      Number of trees: 500
## No. of variables tried at each split: 7
##           Mean of squared residuals: 882.4106
##                     % Var explained: 80.43
## [1] 500
## [1] 7

## [1] 474
#sort(importance(rf)[,1], decreasing=TRUE)
varImpPlot(rf) #arrival_date_month is the most important variable for adr prediction

# Make predictions on the test dataset
yhat.rf <- predict(rf, newdata=df_resort_short[-train,])

MSE.rf <- mean((yhat.rf - y)^2) #744.0877
RMSE.rf <- sqrt(mean((yhat.rf - y)^2)) # 27.27797
MAE.rf <- mean(abs(yhat.rf - y)) #19.79513

We can see from the model that arrival_date_month is the most important variable for adr prediction. Let’s next build a regression spline just using arrival date as the predictor


The spline regression gives error messages when using factors as predictors so use the formatted version of the arrival date (combining day, month, and year): arrival_date_formatted.

For spline regression, we also need to specify the number of knots (m) so let’s first calculate the optimal number of knots by computing AIC and BIC for models with number of knots between 3 and 30, and picking the model with the lowest AIC/BIC. We’ll use the splines package where we need to specify the number of degrees of freedom (df) when running the model (df=m+4)


# First, calculate optimal number of knots (m).
# Compute BIC and AIC for model with number of knots between 3 and 30. 

# 3 knots = 7 df
# 30 knots = 34 df

df_initial <- 7
df_last <- 34

r.spline.knots.aic.bic <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = df_last-df_initial + 1))

for (i in df_initial:df_last){ <- lm(adr ~ bs(arrival_date_formatted, df=i, intercept=TRUE), data=df_resort, subset=train)
  r.spline.knots.aic.bic[i-6, 1] <- i-4 #Number of knots is df-4
  r.spline.knots.aic.bic[i-6, 2] <- AIC(
  r.spline.knots.aic.bic[i-6, 3] <- BIC(

# r.spline.knots.aic.bic

# Rename columns
names(r.spline.knots.aic.bic)[1] <- "knots"
names(r.spline.knots.aic.bic)[2] <- "AIC"
names(r.spline.knots.aic.bic)[3] <- "BIC"

##    knots      AIC      BIC
## 1      3 3842.397 3873.464
## 2      4 3789.666 3824.616
## 3      5 3754.839 3793.672
## 4      6 3775.556 3818.273
## 5      7 3737.241 3783.841
## 6      8 3750.634 3801.117
## 7      9 3721.599 3775.965
## 8     10 3719.441 3777.690
## 9     11 3717.967 3780.100
## 10    12 3721.418 3787.435
## 11    13 3722.647 3792.546
## 12    14 3724.398 3798.181
## 13    15 3724.265 3801.932
## 14    16 3728.847 3810.397
## 15    17 3726.843 3812.276
## 16    18 3723.572 3812.889
## 17    19 3728.164 3821.364
## 18    20 3726.351 3823.434
## 19    21 3729.615 3830.582
## 20    22 3723.424 3828.273
## 21    23 3727.000 3835.733
## 22    24 3722.507 3835.123
## 23    25 3727.330 3843.830
## 24    26 3723.666 3844.049
## 25    27 3728.979 3853.245
## 26    28 3730.513 3858.662
## 27    29 3731.253 3863.286
## 28    30 3734.542 3870.458
# Plot  BIC and AIC vs number of knots to choose best model

plot(r.spline.knots.aic.bic$knots, r.spline.knots.aic.bic$AIC, xlab="Knots", ylab="AIC", main="Knots vs. AIC")

plot(r.spline.knots.aic.bic$knots, r.spline.knots.aic.bic$BIC, xlab="Knots", ylab="BIC", main="Knots vs. BIC")

r.spline.knots.aic.bic[which.min(r.spline.knots.aic.bic$AIC),] #11 knots
##   knots      AIC    BIC
## 9    11 3717.967 3780.1
r.spline.knots.aic.bic[which.min(r.spline.knots.aic.bic$BIC),] #9 knots
##   knots      AIC      BIC
## 7     9 3721.599 3775.965

AIC suggests picking model with 11 knots. BIC suggests picking model with 9 knots. I’d probably choose 10 knots since it’s in the middle but let’s plot the fit of 9 knots (13 df), 10 knots (14 df), and 11 knots (15 df) on top of the test data

plot(df_resort$arrival_date_formatted, df_resort$adr, xlab="Arrival date formatted", ylab="Average Daily Rate (adr)") <- lm(adr ~ bs(arrival_date_formatted, df=13, intercept=TRUE), data=df_resort, subset=-train) <- lm(adr ~ bs(arrival_date_formatted, df=14, intercept=TRUE), data=df_resort, subset=-train) <- lm(adr ~ bs(arrival_date_formatted, df=15, intercept=TRUE), data=df_resort, subset=-train) 

lines(spline(df_resort$arrival_date_formatted[-train], predict(, col="blue", lty=1, lwd=2)
lines(spline(df_resort$arrival_date_formatted[-train], predict(, col="red", lty=1, lwd=2)
lines(spline(df_resort$arrival_date_formatted[-train], predict(, col="forestgreen", lty=1, lwd=2)

legend("topleft", lty=rep(1,3), lwd=rep(2,3), col=c("blue", "red", "forestgreen"), legend=c("df=13, 9 knots", "df=14, 10 knots", "df=15, 11 knots"))

All three models fit similarly. Let’s make our predictions with the model with 10 knots.

## Call:
## lm(formula = adr ~ bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE), 
##     data = df_resort, subset = -train)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -93.52 -21.84  -2.04  19.61  93.97 
## Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
##                                                         Estimate
## (Intercept)                                               204.08
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)1    -95.36
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)2     15.65
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)3   -231.50
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)4   -116.29
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)5   -102.13
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)6     51.72
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)7    -36.40
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)8   -213.57
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)9    -94.01
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)10  -145.05
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)11   -31.47
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)12   -31.06
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)13    85.56
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)14       NA
##                                                         Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)                                                  27.34   7.464
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)1       34.01  -2.804
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)2       42.35   0.370
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)3       64.72  -3.577
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)4       60.72  -1.915
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)5       36.23  -2.819
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)6       33.13   1.561
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)7       35.72  -1.019
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)8       40.53  -5.270
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)9       45.32  -2.074
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)10      35.17  -4.124
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)11      36.94  -0.852
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)12      31.80  -0.977
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)13      50.56   1.692
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)14         NA      NA
##                                                         Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)                                             2.46e-11 ***
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)1  0.006008 ** 
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)2  0.712481    
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)3  0.000525 ***
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)4  0.058147 .  
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)5  0.005750 ** 
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)6  0.121457    
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)7  0.310604    
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)8  7.24e-07 ***
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)9  0.040466 *  
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)10 7.42e-05 ***
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)11 0.396152    
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)12 0.330844    
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)13 0.093563 .  
## bs(arrival_date_formatted, df = 14, intercept = TRUE)14       NA    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 35.55 on 106 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7677, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7392 
## F-statistic: 26.94 on 13 and 106 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
# R squared 0.7677
# Adjusted R Squared 0.7392
# Calculate MSE, RMSE, MAE, AIC, BIC for the model with df=14, 10 knots
yhat.r.spline <-$fitted.values
y.test <- df_resort[-train, "adr"]

MSE.r.spline <- mean((yhat.r.spline - y.test)^2) #1116.474
RMSE.r.spline <- sqrt(mean((yhat.r.spline - y.test)^2)) # 33.41367
MAE.r.spline <- mean(abs(yhat.r.spline - y.test)) #25.96699
AIC.r.spline <- AIC(  # 1212.697
BIC.r.spline <- BIC(  # 1254.509


We evaluated several models. Let’s create a table to summarize their results:

# Create table with MSE, RMSE, MAE, AIC, BIC (for those that are available) for each model

results <- data.frame(Model = c("Baseline", "Linear regression", "Linear regression-stepwise", "Pruned tree", "Random forest", "Regression spline"), 
                      MSE = c(MSE.baseline, MSE.linear.reg, MSE.linear.reg.step, MSE.tree.2.pruned, MSE.rf, MSE.r.spline), 
                      RMSE = c(RMSE.baseline, RMSE.linear.reg, RMSE.linear.reg.step, RMSE.tree.2.pruned, RMSE.rf, RMSE.r.spline), 
                      MAE = c(MAE.baseline, MAE.linear.reg, MAE.linear.reg.step, MAE.tree.2.pruned, MAE.rf, MAE.r.spline), 
                      AIC = c(NA, AIC.linear.reg, AIC.linear.reg.step, NA, NA, AIC.r.spline), 
                      BIC = c(NA, BIC.linear.reg, BIC.linear.reg.step, NA, NA, BIC.r.spline))

kable(results, format="pandoc", digits=2, caption = "Summary results for each model performance") #Nicer table using kable
Summary results for each model performance
Baseline 4960.99 70.43 59.02 NA NA
Linear regression 761.23 27.59 21.13 3456.80 3616.02
Linear regression-stepwise 789.49 28.10 21.52 3452.19 3599.76
Pruned tree 1316.81 36.29 27.56 NA NA
Random forest 744.09 27.28 19.80 NA NA
Regression spline 1116.47 33.41 25.97 1212.70 1254.51

Let’s also plot the fitted vs actual values for all models

# All predictions
predictions <- data.frame(actual = y, 
                          baseline = baseline.pred, 
                          linear.reg = yhat.linear.reg, 
                          linear.reg.step = yhat.linear.reg.step, 
                          tree.2.pruned = yhat.tree.2.pruned, 
                          rf = yhat.rf, 
                          r.spline = yhat.r.spline)

# Transform from wide to long for ggplot2

predictions_long <- melt(predictions, 
                         measure.vars=c("baseline", "linear.reg", "linear.reg.step", "tree.2.pruned", "rf", "r.spline"), 

# Plot actual vs. predicted values for each model

# Create new facet label names for each model to be used for plotting
model.labs <- c("Baseline", "Linear regression", "Linear regression step", "Decision tree", "Random forest", "Regression spline")
names(model.labs) <- c("baseline", "linear.reg", "linear.reg.step", "tree.2.pruned", "rf", "r.spline")

ggplot(data = predictions_long, aes(x=actual, y=prediction, colour=model)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) + 
  facet_wrap( ~ model, labeller = labeller(model = model.labs)) + 
  ggtitle("Predicted vs. Actual values for each model") + 
  xlab("Actual values") + ylab("Predicted values") + 
  scale_colour_viridis_d(option="plasma") +  
  theme_light() + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") + 
  theme(strip.background = element_rect(color="black", size=1)) + #Facet label rectangle contour
  theme(strip.text.x = element_text(color = "black")) #Facet label font colour

The summary table indicates that the best performing model was the random forest, followed by the linear regression. All models make better predictions than the baseline model